Jack Dugan Award
The Jack Dugan Award, named in honor of the Foundation’s first President, is presented annually by our Trustees to recognize “outstanding contributions to environmental beautification, preservation, education or financial support in and around the Buck Hill Falls community.”

Past recipients of the Jack Dugan Award
Ed Post – for his dedication to the Foundation and contributions to the Accreditation Team which obtained national accreditation from the Land Trust Alliance.
Christine Brogan – for her valuable contributions over two consecutive terms, including as Secretary and as a contributor to the accreditation application team.
Thaddeus Tracy – for providing countless hours of legal advice over two consecutive terms, particularly involving purchasing properties, fundraising, and liability issues.
Karen Tetor – for devoted Board service, securing over $600,000 in grants, creating trail maps, putting together the Pop-Up Museum, and writing the Foundation’s Annual Reports.
Carol Klatt – for her two terms as Trustee and spearheading the annual Dinner Dance for three years, with colorful themes and alluring auction items raising more funds each year.
Jackie Speicher – for her dedicated service on the Board, organizing community hikes, bringing in notable conservation speakers and her pivotal outreach to the greater community.Pop-Up Museum, and writing the Foundation’s Annual Reports.
John Rodgers – for outstanding contributions as a Trustee, serving as Chair of the Stewardship Committee and being an invaluable member of the Inn Demolition Project Team.
David and Marina Ottaway – for dedicated leadership and staunch Foundation support over the years, donating countless hours and significant funds for many conservation projects.
Chris Robbins – for serving on the Board, acting as the construction manager for the Upper Falls Project, and his vital role in negotiations to purchase Chestnut Mountain.
John Styk Jr. – for his years of service and dedication to the job of ranger for the residents of Buck Hill Falls, with an unparalleled knowledge of the forest and the community’s history.
Susan Roberts – for being an original member of the Foundation, serving as President and chair of the Environmental Committee, and involved in Buck Hill preservation for many years.
Monroe County Open Space Advisory Board – for their professionalism and support of the Foundation’s efforts to obtain Chestnut Mountain.
Frank May – for his dedicated years of Foundation service, including Board President, and tireless work to secure Chestnut Mountain and obtain tax-exempt status on the property.
Jock Miller – for his vision to reopen the Upper Falls, commissioning the engineering study and establishing a matching grant donation to get the fund-raising activities started in earnest.
John Serrao – for leading over 50 nature hikes, preparing a self-guided nature walk of Jenkins Woods, and donating many of his collection of nature objects to the Foundation.
Faith Robbins – for being instrumental in setting up the Foundation, and her consistent efforts and contributions to the Foundation and conservation at Buck Hill Falls.